Lately, I have been on a “jag” lately watching documentary films. As I say, on Netflix, …
Blessing for Work
Several years ago, as I was preparing for a roadtrip up to Boston, I heard a …
Pay it Forward
Even during the difficult economic times, the charitable impulse remains alive and well among many Americans. …
Walking as a Gentle Meditation
Many traditions and philosophies encourage daily meditation as one key to a fully-realized life. However, many …
A Stroll down Valentine’s Lane
For some people, Valentine’s Day can be a rather off-putting holiday. Indeed, having spent many years …
And The Winner Is…
Over the last several years, I have become something a movie buff (I have even made …
Happy (Lunar) New Year!
The Lunar New Year falls somewhere in January or February—just about the right time for people …
Congratulations & Happy New Year!
The close of the year and beginning of a new one, it is a good time …
Greetings for the New Year
I have always been a huge fan of hand made cards and all things vintage. I …