This year’s Presidential Inauguration of Joseph Biden appears to be particularly rich in symbolism. Given the …
Let There be Light
It has become tradition for me to have at least one candle going at all times, …
There’s Always Something to Celebrate
St. Andrew is the patron Saint of Scotland, so I thought it good to remind people …
Meal Time Blessing Thanksgiving Day + Everyday
Like everything else this year, Thanksgiving isn’t the same. I, for instance, am home alone (with …
There are so many ways that we choose to memorialize those we know—and those we do …
Tashlich: Cleansing Tradition for the Jewish New Year
As I’ve said many times, I’m always looking for a new beginning, so I am energized …
National Bow Tie Day: Honoring Michael Durnil & SYF
As I perused my emails and what not at the beginning of the day, I was …
100 Years of Women’s Suffrage
August 26 is Women’s Equality Day! The holiday was designated as such in 1971 to commemorate …
Celebrating New York
There are only a few rotations of flags at Rockefeller Center in Mid-town Manhattan. Usually, you …
Celebrating Mandela Day
This has been a tough week for Americans, losing two icons of the Civil Rights movement—CT …