This year’s Presidential Inauguration of Joseph Biden appears to be particularly rich in symbolism. Given the …
When a Picture is worth a Thousand Words
As daytime television viewers are aware, the much-loved Today host Kathie Lee Gifford is leaving her …
Birthday Memory Book
I’ve always been drawn to the idea of memory books—be they beautiful baby books, tended over …
Today is your Birthday!
As a “Woman of a Certain Age,” I have rather mixed emotions about birthdays. Sure, I …
A Medical Student’s Very Special White Coat Ceremony
Many professions are associated with particular attire or uniforms, if you will. The military, police officers, …
Well Remembered
In the Jewish tradition an “unveiling” ceremony takes place about a year after a loved one’s …
The Gift of Teaching
I’ve spent more years than I care to admit toiling in various professional positions. The institutions …
Education for All: A Tribute to Julius Edelstein
Perhaps because I have been close to librarians and archivists over the years, I’ve cultivated the …
Celebrating Some of History’s Most Memorable Words
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, …
The Blessings of New Babies
One of the great joys of officiating so many weddings is watching these new families bloom …