America’s unusual Federalist political system, put in place by our brilliant Founding Fathers, created a patchwork of …
A Personal Goodbye
I recently came across a fun little magaine MaryJane’s Farm, which has fun, interesting articles on …
As part of my semiinary training at the One Spirit Learning Alliance, I took a moving …
Buddhist Prayer of Metta Lovingkindness
May I be happy. May I be safe. May I be healthy. May I be at …
A Few of my Favorite Things
I recently captured a renew enthusiasm for travel, with a trip to Paris over American Thanksgiving. …
The Power of a Name
Here in New York, we’ve just passed the anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Last year, …
A Man’s (and Woman’s) Best Friend
Even though New York is a densely populated city, with most people enduring fairly tight housing …
Walking as a Gentle Meditation
Many traditions and philosophies encourage daily meditation as one key to a fully-realized life. However, many …
Lessons from the Quaker Way of Life
I recently came across A Little Book of Quaker Wisdom. The book concludes with a list of …