As a Celebrant, I’m all for people recognizing (joyfully!) the anniversary of their birth. However, as …
The Gift of Thanks
I regularly peruse book seller remainder lists for titles that may be of interest to me—or …
It’s a Small World, After All!
I have to believe there are few people who meet the Olympics with such great anticipation. …
A Box full of Memories
There is a vast scrapbooking world out there of folks who create extraordinary volumes of carefully …
A Book of a Lifetime
The omnipresence of social media technology—facebook, pinterest, or instagram, among others—has had important consequences on some …
A Man’s (and Woman’s) Best Friend
Even though New York is a densely populated city, with most people enduring fairly tight housing …
In Celebration of Books!
In certain ways, I relish the fact that I am “old school.” In the days of …
A Blessing for the Traveler
Tomorrow my oldest friend will visit NYC from Williamsburg, Virginia. We have “known” each other since …
Don’t Forget to Stop & Smell the Roses
During certain times in my life, I have been fortunate to have access to backyard gardens for personal “floral …
Celebrate Spring!
The Huffington Post has a wonderful collection of quotations about spring and beautiful flowers. Enjoy: “Spring …