I have always been a huge fan of hand made cards and all things vintage. I was, perhaps, born in the wrong century. Through the wonders of EBay, my sensibilities are adequately nurtured in unimaginable ways! I have managed to gather quite a collection of vintage New Year’s cards, a holiday that rarely makes the Hallmark top 10 list, with the exception of procrastinating holiday card senders who can finish off their mailing before the New Year rings in. I have noticed that so many of these cards are postmarked for the early 20th century—the years immediately before World War I seem to have been the heyday of New Years day cards. I have come to treasure these sweet objects and, dare I say, am guard them rather jealously. While I originally purchased these postcards with the intention of creating hand made cards for people on my own holiday card list, I have come to guard them rather jealously. Enjoy their beautiful colors and intricate designs in the slideshow below.