In many ways, Celebrants serve the unmet needs of individuals, couples and families, and there is no better example than our attempts to embrace, honor—and in some cases heal—transitions in the professional lives of working men and women. Particularly in the current economy, many people find themselves changing jobs, coping with downsizing, or dealing with an unplanned retirement. For all of these occasions, and more, we have tools to make them meaningful rites of passage. I have witnessed beautiful Celebrant-led ceremonies honoring an individual’s work life and helping him confront job loss due to corporate downsizing. I personally led a joyous, intimate ceremony when a dear friend started a new job a few years ago.
I have recently advocated a “New Business Blessing” for my longtime hair stylist Meagan. After many years toiling as a successful stylist in a company-owned salon in Manhattan she followed her dream of opening a salon of her own on the fashionable Upper East Side. As any woman (and some men) know, we have a relentless commitment to a well-loved hair stylist. She is part of the village that keeps us going. Indeed, my relationship with Meagan has endured many personal ups and downs, numerous romances (mine not hers), and all sorts of other personal and professional changes, to which she bring a bright smile, great skill, and a dedication to providing excellent, personalized service to me and all of her other clients.
So a few month ago, backed by her supportive husband, she opened MC Salon. With a spiffy shop and several of her stylist colleagues, she now has a thriving business….with clients who have depended upon her for years. Like a proud mama bear, I suggested that Meagan mark this great accomplishment with a business blessing. So what would that look like? I think of it as a spiritually -inclined grand opening….a happy celebration noting this business accomplishment, attended by family, friends, and clients to wish her and her colleagues well. Woven into the party would be bits of wisdom, music, and thoughtful remarks of a Celebrant, helping to articulate the wishes, aspirations, and blessings for this grand occasion, which is not just about opening a business but about realizing a dream and having the courage to set out on that grand journey—into the unknown.
I have a spring in my step when I visit MC Salon….partly because I like seeing Meagan so much, partly because I know I will look (and feel) better when I leave, but also because I am inspired by her act of courage, which is a blessing to me!