Although it seems that many of us walk around with our heads buried in our IPhone or BlackBerry, the world has many “messages” to share, when we pause to be truly present. Wandering around New York provides an unusually rich opportunity to watch people and gather insight. When I am “paying attention” (or perhaps more accurately “being mindful”), I can find enchanting thoughts, bits of gratitude and suggestions for living a better life, nearly everywhere I go.
I wanted to share just a few of these cosmic messages that I gleaned over the last number of weeks……ranging from the sign at the Yoga Studio with the injunction that “Friends are more important than money,” to a Langston Hughes quotation emblazoned on a city sidewalk on 41st street, off of Madison Avenue.
I am hopeful in the New Year that, having written this little piece, I may be more attuned to the positive, reflective and uplifting messages that are right before my very eyes, each and everyday. I would be eager to hear about the messages that you find in your daily life, too!