Lately, I have been on a “jag” lately watching documentary films. As I say, on Netflix, you are always two clicks away from a movie you have never heard of or imagined. In reviewing the documentaries, I came across 180 Degrees South. It is based on the life and adventures of Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia, the clothing and sporting goods company. Chouinard was an avid climber from his teen-aged years. In 1968 he, along with some other close friends, made their way to the real Patagonia at the southern end of the world. The documentary was a bit of a retrospective of that trek, but also included a repeat of the adventure. The second exploration not only featured several young men making this journey for the first time, but they were joined by Chouinard. At the time, the elder was nearly 70 years old. In addition to his life as a serious climber, Chouinard became an extremely successful businessman, who also honored his love of nature and desire to maintain and conserve the environment. Patagonia is, after all, a “socially responsible” company, giving much back to environmental programs. It is a fine example of “Doing Good, while Doing Well.” In the end, the documentary combined breathtaking views of nature, wonderful biographical sketches of adventurers, young and old, and inspiring lessons of individuals and businessmen who were committed to caring for the environment. Fantastic!